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The right equipment as a hockey player

The selection of appropriate equipment is a critical factor in the performance and safety of hockey players at all levels. With the sport’s physically demanding nature, the right gear not only enhances a player’s skill set but also provides essential protection against injuries. Key Equipment Considerations: Skates Sticks Helmets Protective padding Each of these items must be chosen with careful consideration of the player’s position, skill level, and individual physique. Advancements in Equipment Technology: Manufacturers have introduced advanced materials and […]

Experience Ice Hockey At Its Best

Ice hockey, also known as “hockey,” is a team sport played on an ice rink surface. Each team’s goal is to send the puck (a vulcanized rubber disk) and score into the opposing goal. A match lasts three periods of 20 minutes each. When the puck is in play, the clock starts. The teams switch ends for the second, third, and fourth periods, as well as at the start of each extra session (play-offs only; same ends as the odd […]

Poker Might be the New Gaming Challenge You Need

Online gaming is a huge deal at the moment. Video games in general have overtaken Hollywood as the preferred entertainment of choice and online gaming makes up a huge percentage of the pie. With hundreds of games to play and thousands of gamers to pit your skills against their are endless opportunities to test yourself against them. Or is there? Going up against and defeating opponents in an online game is great but has the thrill diminished slightly? Do you […]

The 3 Best Football Games Money Can Buy

If you are a football fan who loves to play games on your computer or Xbox, then the best way to make use of your free time is to invest in a few of the best football games out there. Nothing can beat watching your favourite football team score their way to victory, however you don’t need to stop enjoying football just because your team isn’t playing.In this article we discuss the 3 best football games you can start playing […]

Best Games and Sporting Events to Bet On Online

Online gaming and gambling has become a very popular pastime for many in recent years. There are a huge number of options now available, a choice that can become almost overwhelming at times. With this in mind we will outline a few of the best gaming and sports betting options you can find. Casino Games General casino games come in a number of different options though when people think of casinos it’s usually linked to the slots. There are literally […]

Hey Sports Fans – Here’s What Not to Do!

Sport is a major part of most people’s lives, and even those who are not athletically inclined have had to soldier on through sports lessons at school. The majority of us do not grow up to become the wealthy athletes we idolise; however, we do get a chance to live vicariously through watching these athletes compete on television and by placing bets on them online. You can bet on anything that is taking place in the sports world. You can […]

Eurohockey Championships 2015

Hockey er en populær sport her i Europa, og de verdens beste landslagene er fra vårt lille kontinent. Landhockey er en olympisk gren, og regnes som en av historiens eldste idretter. For å finne ut hvilket landslag er Europas beste uten å måtte vente fire år på neste OL, har et eget Europamesterskap blitt avholdt annenhvert år siden 1970. Det er Tyskland som har stukket av med flest seiere i dette EM i landhockey, men de siste årene har flere […]

NHL 2014

Da er den seneste NHL-sesongen over, og vi kan se tilbake på utallige spennende kamper og store overraskelser. NHL 2014-2015 var ekstremt heftig, og nesten umulig å forutsi helt frem til de siste stadiene. Til syvende og sist var det Tampa Bay som stakk av med seieren fra Eastern Conference og tok seg frem til finalen i Stanley Cup. New York Rangers med Mats Zuccarello Aasen kjempet hardt til de siste sekundene, men måtte se seg slått av Tampa Bay. […]

NHL 2014

2014 saw the 97th NHL season completed, and the 2013-14 season culminated with Los Angeles Kings winning the Stanley Cup. It was a season that was also notable for realignment, following the Atlanta Thrashers franchise relocation to Canada in the shape of the Winnipeg Jets, and sides from Detroit and Columbus moving east. Realignment For 2013-14 For the 2013-14 season there were two conferences and four divisions, though four conferences had been proposed earlier. The Eastern Conference was made up […]

Store NHL-ikoner

Wayne Gretzky Er du ishockeyfan, har du garantert hørt navnet før. Wayne Gretzky er et av de største navnene i ishockey. Den kanadiske legenden med polsk-russiske røtter er en av sportens store legender – han er den eneste spilleren som har klart å samle over 200 poeng i løpet av en sesong, og holder fortsatt den dagen i dag hele 60 NHL-rekorder som regnes til å være uslåelige. Gretzky, som spilte med draktnummer 99, var lett gjenkjennelig på banen på […]